CHAMPS National Exclusivity Orb: Prenatal Focus

Based on feedback from our launch of the Exclusivity Orb on January 24th, we are excited to announce CHAMPS National will begin the Exclusivity Orb with a focus on prenatal care! We will host our first meeting on Monday, April 7th from 3pm – 4pm ET. CHAMPS hospitals and community partners can register here.
Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center is re-designated as Baby-Friendly

Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center was recently re-designated as Baby-Friendly!
Located in Meridian, MS, Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of healthcare for their patients. Baptist Anderson has been a part of CHAMPS since 2015 and became a designated Baby-Friendly facility in September 2019. Over the past few years, the knowledgeable and passionate maternity team has focused on consistent training, quality improvement work, and sustainability.
“The Baby-Friendly designation and its importance at Baptist Anderson represent the countless hours of training and consistency from our dedicated staff and core team to provide the best maternal/infant care possible,” shares the facility’s Baby-Friendly lead, Katrina Trosper. “From assisting moms with the first steps of bonding, informed decision making, and navigating the first postpartum days, we are providing the gold standard in a safe and therapeutic environment.”
Congratulations, Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center!
CE credits available for CHAMPS National trainings

We now offer free continuing education units (CEU) or continuing medical education (CME) credits for all live AND recorded sessions within the CHAMPS National Training Curriculum!
CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners can find a step-by-step guide on how to earn credit and claim a certificate on the CHAMPS National Training Platform:
There are also instructions on the CHEER website if hospitals upload trainings to their own training/learning platform. Hospitals can ask their CHAMPS coach or TAG for access to this page.
Please contact with questions!
CHAMPS National Indigenous Lactation Counselor Training in Western Pacific

Indigi-LC training in the western Pacific is a reality! CHAMPS National led an Indigenous Lactation Counselor training last week with 36 participants from Guam, Saipan, Palau and Rota, including individuals representing CHamoru, Carolinian, Chuukese, Filipino and Palauan communities.
Indigenous Lactation Counselor is a 5-day, lactation peer counselor training for those who identify as Indigenous. It is Native taught and Native designed by CHAMPS trainers Camie Jae Goldhammer (Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyaté), MSW, LICSW, IBCLC, and Kimberly Moore-Salas (Diné), IBCLC.
All participants were ILC-certified by the end of the week, able to take this wisdom into their communities and agencies!
- Sign welcoming participants to the Indigenous Lactation Counselor training.
- Breast models made by Dr. Kathy Wood.
- The training had 36 participants from Guam, Saipan, Palau and Rota, including individuals representing CHamoru, Carolinian, Chuukese, Filipino and Palauan communities.
- The training is Native taught and Native designed by CHAMPS trainers Camie Jae Goldhammer (Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyaté), MSW, LICSW, IBCLC, and Kimberly Moore-Salas (Diné), IBCLC.
- The week began with a CHamoru blessing and songs arranged by Sahi.
- From left to right: CHAMPS trainer Camie Jae Goldhammer (Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyaté), CHAMPS coach Antoinette Kleiner, MSN, FNP, Dr. Kathy Wood, Dean Dr. Yvette Paulino, and CHAMPS Trainer Kimberly Moore-Salas (Diné), IBCLC.
- CHAMPS National coach Antoinette Kleiner, MSN, FNP, and mentor Dr. Kathy Wood.
- CHAMPS trainer Camie Jae Goldhammer (Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyaté).
Coming soon…CHAMPS National Exclusivity Orb!

COMING SOON – CHAMPS National Exclusivity Orb! Save the date for our launch webinar on January 24. The CHAMPS National team, hospitals, and community partners can register here.
MS Baptist Medical Center is re-designated as Baby-Friendly

Congratulations to Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, CHEER’s CHAMPion of the Week! After five years of dedication and quality improvement work, the hospital was re-designated as Baby-Friendly.
Founded in 1908 as Jackson’s first hospital, Mississippi Baptist Medical Center has long been dedicated to providing quality and compassionate care to its patients. The hospital has been working with CHAMPS since 2018, determined to improve breastfeeding education, resources, and support.
Despite staff turnover, re-designation was a team effort among hospital leadership, staff, and providers. Baby-Friendly lead at the hospital shares: “My one tip for others pursuing designation and re-designation would be having leadership supportive of the journey!”
Well done, Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. We look forward to continuing to work with your caring and passionate team.
Cathy Carothers receives CHEER Lifetime Achievement Award 2023

CHEER is honored to present the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award to Cathy Carothers, BLA, IBCLC, FILCA. Cathy is a national breastfeeding promotion and support expert and Co-Director of Every Mother, Inc., a nonprofit organization providing counseling and lactation training for health professionals across the United States. We celebrate her lifelong dedication to providing breastfeeding support, education, and inspiration.
Cathy is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 1996, past President and Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association, past Chair of the United States Breastfeeding Committee, and current North American representative to the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) Steering Committee. She has provided more than 1,000 lactation workshops and trainings in every US state and territory and many countries. Cathy has been a CHAMPS consultant, trainer, and hospital coach since 2015.
“I love to teach people and hopefully inspire them about the importance of breastfeeding,” Cathy shares. “If folks don’t remember anything else when leaving a training, I hope they leave feeling inspired – with the idea that breastfeeding matters, what they do matters, and they can make a profound difference in the lives of their patients.”
Cathy’s infectious passion for breastfeeding comes from a childhood watching her mother breastfeed 10 of her younger siblings. She recalls sitting in a small rocking chair, holding her baby doll, and imitating her mother breastfeeding her little brother.
“I watched my little brother looking at my mother, gazing up at her with such admiration. I remember having an overwhelming feeling that when I grow up, I want to breastfeed my children like this, too.”
“It wasn’t until many years later when I had given birth to my oldest child, sitting in my adult-sized rocking chair and nursing my baby, that those memories came flooding back. I realized what a legacy my mother had given to me and my siblings. I think that experience growing up and seeing breastfeeding normalized has led to the passion that I have today.”
Read more here.
CHAMPS hospital Baptist Memorial Hospital – Golden Triangle re-designated as Baby-Friendly

Another CHAMPS hospital is re-designated as Baby-Friendly! Baptist Memorial Hospital – Golden Triangle provides family-focused, high-quality maternity services to its community in Columbus. The hospital has been a part of CHAMPS since 2015, and became a designated Baby-Friendly facility in 2019. Over the past few years, the hospital has been dedicated to quality improvement work and sustainability.
Congratulations, Baptist Memorial Hospital – Golden Triangle! View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
MS CHAMPS Conference registration is open

Registration is now open for the upcoming Mississippi CHAMPS Conference! Hospital teams and community partners are invited to learn, network, and collaborate at this free virtual conference on December 12. Register and find more information on the conference site:
The conference will include sessions on breastfeeding and the Ten Steps, doulas and doulos, prenatal education, Baby-Friendly designation, and more! Check out all sessions in the below conference agenda.
CHAMPS National training platform is LIVE

The CHAMPS National Training Platform is LIVE! CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners will use the platform to access CHAMPS National training sessions. Live training sessions are scheduled on a rolling basis through spring 2025. After each live session, a recorded training will be available on the platform until September 2026. Check out the CHAMPS National curriculum and training schedule with dates of live sessions below!
CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners can register for the training platform here: After registering, trainees can log in to the platform using their email to view live and recorded sessions as they are released.
CHAMPS National conference agenda is available!

The agenda for the CHAMPS National Virtual Breastfeeding Conference on September 17 is now available! The day will include a keynote speech by Dr. Michelle Owens, sessions on hypoglycemia, doulas, and breastfeeding against the odds, and three CHAMPS National training sessions. There will also be opportunities for networking, sharing perspectives, and collaboration.
CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners can register for this free, full-day event here:
Check out the above agenda for more information. We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues and community partners!
Launching the CHAMPS National Training Curriculum

The CHAMPS National Training Curriculum is here! Check out the following curriculum with information on units, trainings, content, and length.
The first live virtual training of Safety First! (Unit A) will be on September 5 from 4-5pm Eastern Time. This is a prerequisite for other CHAMPS National trainings. CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners can register for the training here.
Three trainings will be launched at the CHAMPS National Virtual Breastfeeding Conference on September 17: Hands-On With Lactation Part 1 (Unit 3, Session 1), QI for Busy Professionals (Unit 1, Session 4), and Lactation and Medication (Unit 1, Session 3). CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners can register for the conference here.
The dates of other live virtual training sessions will be released soon! Recorded trainings will also be available. Please email with questions.
The CHAMPS National Virtual Breastfeeding Conference is on September 17!

The CHAMPS National Virtual Breastfeeding Conference is on September 17! CHAMPS National hospitals and community partners are invited to learn, network, collaborate, and share experiences at this free, full-day conference.
When: September 17, 2024 | 10am-5pm Eastern Time
Where: Virtual
Register: This webinar is open to CHAMPS National health care facilities and community partners. Register here:
What to expect: Networking opportunities, CHAMPS trainings, and sessions on hypoglycemia, exclusive breastfeeding, doulas, and more, led by Veronica Gillispie-Bell, MD, MAS, FACOG, Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE), CHAMPS team members, and other experts in maternal-child health
With keynote speech Becoming: A Journey to Breastfeeding Advocacy by Michelle Owens, MD, clinical professor of maternal and fetal medicine at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital, lead for maternal health in the state of Mississippi, and consultant physician on CHAMPS National
Details to follow! Email with questions.
CHAMPS National enrolls our final cohort

We’ve enrolled CHAMPS National’s FINAL cohort: 21 hospitals including 6 sites from Tennessee, 3 from Alabama and Hawaii, and 1 from Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands). Check out the full list below.
- Jackson Hospital and Clinic, Alabama
- UAB Medical West Hospital, Alabama
- Vaughan Regional Medical Center, Alabama
- Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility, Arizona
- Atrium Health Navicent The Medical Center, Georgia
- Grady Memorial Hospital, Georgia
- Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children, Hawaii
- Queen’s North Hawaii Community Hospital, Hawaii
- The Queen’s Medical Center, Hawaii
- Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Kentucky
- Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Maryland
- Mercy Health Boardman, Ohio
- Love Family Women’s Center, Oklahoma
- Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation, Saipan
- Ascension Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital, Tennessee
- Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women, Tennessee
- Cookeville Regional Medical Center, Tennessee
- Cumberland Medical Center, Tennessee
- Highpoint Health at Sumner, Tennessee
- Parkwest Medical Center, Tennessee
- Multicare Yakima Memorial Hospital, Washington
Applications for CHAMPS National are now closed. We had far more applications than spots in the program – many thanks for all your support. And now…the major task of increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates and decreasing racial inequities in 100+ CHAMPS National hospitals. Let’s get to work!
Many congratulations to our final group of enrolled hospitals.
CHAMPS hospital Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi re-designated as Baby-Friendly

Another CHAMPS hospital is re-designated as Baby-Friendly! Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi provides family-focused, high-quality maternity services to its community in Oxford. The hospital has been a part of CHAMPS since 2015, and became a designated Baby-Friendly facility in 2018. Over the past few years, the hospital has been dedicated to quality improvement work and sustainability.
Congratulations, Baptist Memorial Hospital – North Mississippi! View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
OCH Regional Medical Center is Baby-Friendly

OCH Regional Medical Center is officially designated as Baby-Friendly! The hospital has been working with CHAMPS since 2015, determined to improve breastfeeding education, resources, and support. Many congratulations to this hard-working and dedicated team. View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
CHAMPS National enrolls 10 sites in second to last cohort

CHAMPS National has enrolled 10 new sites into our program to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates and decrease racial disparities. The group includes our first hospitals from Colorado, Hawaii, Palau, and Oklahoma. Check out the full list below!
- Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center, California
- Denver Health, Colorado
- Wellstar MCG Health, Georgia
- Hilo Benioff Medical Center, Hawaii
- Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, Maine
- Cooper University Health Care, New Jersey
- McCurtain Memorial Hospital, Oklahoma
- Belau National Hospital, Palau
- Methodist Medical Center, Tennessee
- University of Tennessee Medical Center, Tennessee
CHAMPS National has only 13 spots left, and we are particularly interested in signing up sites in areas of high need serving racially diverse populations. If you are interested in enrolling your hospital in CHAMPS National, don’t delay! Enrollment will close in the next few weeks. Please complete and email the Expression of Interest form to You can find more information on our website:
Many congratulations to our fifth group of enrolled hospitals!
22 new sites enrolled in CHAMPS National

CHAMPS National has enrolled 22 new sites into our program to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates and decrease racial disparities. The group includes our first hospitals from Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and Washington, DC! Check out the full list below.
- Russell Medical, Alabama
- Alaska Native Medical Center, Alaska
- Norton Sound Regional Hospital, Alaska
- Mercy Hospital Northwest Arkansas, Arkansas
- Emanate Health-Queen of the Valley Hospital, California
- Waterbury Hospital, Connecticut
- Riley Hospital for Children, Indiana
- Baton Rouge General, Louisiana
- Northern Light AR Gould Hospital, Maine
- Holy Cross Hospital, Maryland
- Salem Hospital, Massachusetts
- Henry Ford Macomb Hospital, Michigan
- Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, Michigan
- North Mississippi Medical Center-Tupelo, Mississippi
- St. Joseph’s Health, New Jersey
- Hospital UPR Dr. Federico Trilla, Puerto Rico
- Baptist Memorial Hospital-Tipton, Tennessee
- Christus St. Michael, Texas
- Sentara Obici Hospital, Virginia
- MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital, Washington
- Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC
- WVU Medicine Thomas Hospitals, West Virginia
Hospitals are being enrolled on a rolling basis and will receive free training and support from a diverse team of experts to safely implement the World Health Organization/UNICEF’s Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. We are thrilled to have enrolled more than 75 hospitals to date!
CHAMPS National is continuing to enroll hospitals and is particularly interested in signing up sites in areas of high need serving racially diverse populations. If you are interested in enrolling your hospital in CHAMPS National, please complete and email the Expression of Interest form to You can find more information on our website:
Many congratulations to our fourth group of enrolled hospitals!
CHAMPS wins final phase of the HHS Office on Women’s Health Reducing Disparities in Breastfeeding Innovation Challenge

Mississippi CHAMPS, a program of CHEER, has won a third consecutive national award for reducing racial disparities in breastfeeding. MS CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices) is one of only five US programs to receive the Reducing Disparities in Breastfeeding Innovation Challenge Phase 3 award, created by the Office on Women’s Health to reward programs that increase breastfeeding rates, decrease disparities, and successfully expand in the United States. After winning a Phase 1 award in 2021 and a Phase 2 award in 2023, CHAMPS has now received all three prizes in the challenge, totaling $100,000.
“We’re really proud of this achievement, and most of all, of what it means for the mothers and babies of Mississippi,” says Anne Merewood, PhD, MPH, Director of the CHAMPS program.
Since MS CHAMPS launched, the average rate of breastfeeding initiation at enrolled hospitals increased from 56% in 2015 (when data collection began) to 69% in 2023, and the average rate of exclusive breastfeeding increased from 26% to 40%. The rate of breastfeeding initiation for Black mother-infant dyads increased 15 percentage points, from 42% in 2015 to 57% in 2023, and the rate of breastfeeding exclusivity for Black mother-infant dyads increased 16 percentage points, from 14% to 30%. Critically, the gap in breastfeeding initiation between Black and White mother-infant dyads narrowed by 0.05 percentage points each month.
Expanding steadily, CHAMPS has worked with American Indian/Alaska Native populations, states in the South, and especially Mississippi, where the number of Baby-Friendly designated hospitals increased from 0 to 29, with over 75% of the state’s births now in Baby-Friendly hospitals. In September 2023, CHAMPS’ work was also recognized by a $6,000,000 cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to expand the program and enroll 100 hospitals across the nation.
Read the press release to learn more.
CHAMPS National enrolls 31 new sites

CHAMPS National has enrolled 31 new hospitals – our largest cohort yet! The group includes four sites in Puerto Rico, seven in Louisiana, five in Massachusetts, and more, working to improve exclusive breastfeeding rates and decrease racial disparities. Check out the full list below.
- Highlands Medical Center, AL
- Walker Baptist Medical Center, AL
- HCA Florida North Florida Hospital, FL
- Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph, KS
- Ochsner American Legion Hospital, LA
- Ochsner Baptist, LA
- Ochsner Health Center- Kenner, LA
- Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport St. Mary Medical Center, LA
- Ochsner LSU Health Monroe Medical Center, LA
- Ochsner Medical Center – West Bank, LA
- Ochsner Medical Center Baton Rouge, LA
- Baystate Medical Center, MA
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital, MA
- Massachusetts General Hospital, MA
- Mercy Medical Center – Family Life Center, MA
- UMass Memorial Health, MA
- CentraCare – St. Cloud Hospital, MN
- Progress West Hospital, MO
- Stony Brook University Hospital, NY
- OhioHealth Grant Medical Center, OH
- University of Cincinnati Medical Center, OH
- Bella Vista Hospital, PR
- Centro Medico Menonita Cayey, PR
- Hospital Menonita Ponce, PR
- Hospital Universitario de Adultos, PR
- Medical City Plano, TX
- Texas Children’s Hospital, Pavilion for Women, TX
- Cabell Huntington Hospital, WV
- Davis Medical Center, WV
- Princeton Community Hospital, WV
- WVU Medicine Children’s, WV
Hospitals are being enrolled on a rolling basis and will receive free training and support from a diverse team of experts to safely implement the World Health Organization/UNICEF’s Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. We are thrilled to have enrolled more than 50 hospitals to date!
CHAMPS National is continuing to enroll hospitals and is particularly interested in signing up sites in areas of high need serving racially diverse populations. We are also seeking hospitals that want to work on increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates.
If you are interested in enrolling your hospital in CHAMPS National, please complete and email the Expression of Interest form to You can find more information on our website:
Many congratulations to our third group of enrolled hospitals!
CHAMPS National enrolls second cohort of 15 hospitals

CHAMPS National has enrolled 15 new sites into its program to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates and decrease racial disparities. The new cohort includes Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, five hospitals in Texas, three in Alabama, two in Indiana, and one each in California, Kentucky, New York, and West Virginia.
- Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, Guam
- Medical City Las Colinas, TX
- OakBend Medical Center, TX
- Texas Health Flower Mound Hospital, TX
- Texas Health Hospital Frisco, TX
- University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, TX
- Dekalb Regional Medical Center, AL
- Helen Keller Hospital, AL
- USA Health Children’s and Women’s Hospital, AL
- Methodist Hospitals Gary, IN
- Methodist Hospitals Merrillville, IN
- Lompoc Valley Medical Center, CA
- Norton Hospital, KY
- New York Presbyterian/Allen Hospital, NY
- WVU Medicine Reynolds Memorial Hospital, WV
In collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere), and other maternal-child health and health equity experts, we are enrolling and supporting 100 hospitals nationwide. Hospitals are enrolled on a rolling basis and will receive free training and support from our diverse team of experts to safely implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
CHAMPS National has enrolled 25 hospitals to date and is continuing to enroll hospitals in areas of high need. If you are interested in enrolling your hospital in CHAMPS National, please complete and email the Expression of Interest form to You can find more information on our website:
Many congratulations to our second group of enrolled hospitals!
2 MS CHAMPS hospitals re-designated as Baby-Friendly

CHAMPS is ending the year on a high note: Two Mississippi CHAMPS hospitals were recently re-designated as Baby-Friendly!
South Sunflower County Hospital provides critical, high-quality obstetrical care to its community as one of the few remaining rural hospitals delivering babies. The hospital has been a part of CHAMPS since 2014 and began its Baby-Friendly journey in the fall of 2015. In March 2018, South Sunflower became the third designated Baby-Friendly facility in Mississippi. Over the past five years, the hospital’s small but mighty team has been dedicated to quality improvement work and sustainability.
Located in Flowood, Mississippi, Merit Health River Oaks is known in its community as being a family-centered facility providing quality care. The hospital has been working with CHAMPS since 2017, determined to improve breastfeeding education, resources, and support. After five years of dedication and quality improvement work, the hospital was re-designated as Baby-Friendly on September 21, 2023.
CHEER looks forward to working with South Sunflower County Hospital and Merit Health River Oaks on sustainability and maintenance as they continue their Baby-Friendly journey.
View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
CHAMPS National enrolls first 10 hospitals!

CHAMPS National, CHEER’s new, hospital-based program to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates and decrease racial disparities, has enrolled the first 10 sites. Six hospitals are in Alabama, two in New Jersey, and one each in Georgia and West Virginia. They are:
- Athens-Limestone Hospital, Alabama
- Northport Medical Center, Alabama
- DCH Regional Medical Center, Alabama
- Baptist Medical Center East, Alabama
- Baptist Medical Center South, Alabama
- Whitfield Regional Hospital, Alabama
- Charleston Area Medical Center Women and Children’s Hospital, West Virginia
- Colquitt Regional Medical Center, Georgia
- Inspira Medical Center Vineland, New Jersey
- Inspira Medical Center Mullica Hill, New Jersey
In collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere), and other maternal-child health and health equity experts, we are enrolling and supporting 100 hospitals nationwide. Hospitals are enrolled on a rolling basis and will receive free training and support from our diverse team of experts to safely implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
CHAMPS National still has spots available and is looking to enroll hospitals in areas of high need. If you are interested in enrolling your hospital in CHAMPS National, please complete and email the Expression of Interest form to You can find more information on our website:
Many congratulations to our first 10 hospitals!
CHAMPS National is LIVE

CHAMPS National is live! You can visit our new CHAMPS National webpage to learn more about the program: The page has an expression of interest form for hospitals who wish to enroll in CHAMPS National, breastfeeding resources, and more.
If you missed our informational webinar on October 24, you can view the recording here:
Please reach out to us at with any questions.
New W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant paves the way forward for MS CHAMPS

CHEER has received a $400,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) for reflection and action over the next 18 months. CHAMPS: The Way Forward project will investigate associations between institutional racism and maternity care practices, improve breastfeeding education for prenatal health care providers, and host an onsite CHAMPS conference in Mississippi.
CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices) is a hospital-based initiative that promotes evidence-based maternity practices, with the ultimate goal of decreasing racial disparities in maternal and infant health. Since WKKF began funding Mississippi CHAMPS in 2014, breastfeeding rates have increased, racial disparities have decreased significantly, and the number of Baby-Friendly designated hospitals in Mississippi has risen from 0 to 29.
In line with WKKF’s upcoming period of reflection and review, this new 18-month bridge grant will maximize output, forge new pathways, and showcase CHAMPS’ position as a national thought leader in maternal-child health.
We look forward to working with WKKF on CHAMPS: The Way Forward and sincerely thank the foundation for providing continuous funding to CHEER for nearly 20 years!
CHAMPS National informational webinar on October 24

CHAMPS is going National! Starting this fall, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CHAMPS will enroll and work with 100 US hospitals to increase breastfeeding rates and decrease disparities.
We’re holding an informational webinar on October 24 to share what CHAMPS National is all about and how you can sign up your hospital, state, community, or organization to work with CHAMPS.
When: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 12-1pm ET
Merit Health Central is designated as Baby-Friendly

Congratulations to Merit Health Central, the latest Mississippi CHAMPS hospital to become Baby-Friendly! After six years of dedication and teamwork, the hospital received its official designation on September 21, 2023. View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
Wayne General Hospital is Baby-Friendly

Wayne General Hospital is Baby-Friendly! The hospital began its Baby-Friendly journey in 2017, and we couldn’t be more excited for its official designation. Congratulations to Wayne General’s team on this well-deserved accomplishment. View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
CHEER receives $6,000,000 cooperative agreement from the CDC

CHEER has received a $6,000,000 cooperative agreement from the Agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to implement CHAMPS National. The program will improve maternity care practices for breastfeeding in 100 hospitals and aims to decrease racial inequities in breastfeeding rates, especially among African Americans.
CHAMPS National will activate a diverse team of interdisciplinary experts to increase safe, equitable hospital practices consistent with the World Health Organization (WHO)/UNICEF’s Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (Ten Steps) in a three-year initiative beginning on September 30th. CHEER will partner with the CDC, ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere), and other experts in maternal-child health and health equity to enroll, train, and support 100 hospitals across the country.
US breastfeeding rates are lowest among Black infants, due in large part to institutional racism and lack of evidence-based prenatal and postpartum care. Breastfeeding-supportive maternity practices equitably applied increase hospital breastfeeding rates, especially in populations at the highest risk of not breastfeeding.
Our CHAMPS model has a track record of improving breastfeeding rates and decreasing racial inequities in vulnerable populations. The new CDC funding will allow CHAMPS to make a national impact, increasing breastfeeding rates, advancing health equity, and shaping the course of Ten Steps compliance in the US for decades to come.
Read the press release to learn more.
CHAMPS Wins the HHS Office on Women’s Health Reducing Disparities in Breastfeeding Innovation Challenge Phase 2 Award

Mississippi CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices), a program of CHEER, has won a second national award for reducing racial breastfeeding disparities in Mississippi. MS CHAMPS is one of 10 US programs to receive the Reducing Disparities in Breastfeeding Innovation Challenge Phase 2 award, created by the Office on Women’s Health to reward programs with a track record in increasing breastfeeding rates and decreasing disparities. CHAMPS was previously one of 15 awardees to receive the Phase 1 award in September 2021. As a Phase 2 awardee, CHAMPS received a prize of $30,000 and has an opportunity to advance to the final phase. Read the press release to learn more.
North Mississippi Medical Center-West Point is Baby-Friendly designated!

North Mississippi Medical Center (NMMC)-West Point is Baby-Friendly! The hospital became designated after starting its journey in 2015. The team at NMMC-West Point deserves a big congratulations for this incredible accomplishment. View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
Now published! Policies and practices in a cohort of Mississippi birthing hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic

CHEER’s paper, Policies and Practices in a Cohort of Mississippi Birthing Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic, is published in the February 2023 issue of Breastfeeding Medicine. The study assessed changes to maternity care policies in response to COVID-19, and compared hospital-level breastfeeding, skin-to-skin, and rooming-in rates, at cohort hospitals, before and during the pandemic. Check out the publication here.
CHEER and Kiran Saluja to host March webinar

CHEER will honor the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, Kiran Saluja MPH, RDN, with a webinar on March 23, 2023 at 1:00 pm ET. Join Kiran for an overview of PHFE WIC, a program of Heluna Health, including three cutting-edge breastfeeding promotion, support, and advocacy programs. Register here.
CHEER announces 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient

CHEER’s 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Kiran Saluja, MPH, RDN. Kiran serves as Executive Director at PHFE WIC, a program of Heluna Health, in California. She has successfully led maternal-child health efforts in WIC for more than four decades. We honor her lifelong dedication and achievements in breastfeeding advocacy. Read the full story.
CHEER receives inaugural funding from Center on Forced Displacement

CHEER has received inaugural seed funding from BU’s Center on Forced Displacement (CFD), this is CHEER’s first grant for our international work. CHEER’s 2023 CFD grant focuses on refugee health in greater Athens, Greece. CHEER Director Anne Merewood MPH, PhD, who is also affiliated faculty at the CFD, will spearhead the project along with Shelley Brown MPH, PhD, from Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Read more about the CFD grants here.
CHEER presents at Breastfeeding Grand Rounds 2022

CHEER Director Anne Merewood and Camie Goldhammer presented in a live webcast on decreasing racial/ethnic disparities in breastfeeding on December 14, 2022. The University at Albany School of Public Health hosts the annual presentation, in partnership with the New York State Department of Health, in Albany, New York.
The University of Mississippi Medical Center is re-designated!

The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) is Baby-Friendly re-designated! The Medical Center officially became re-designated on December 5, 2022. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment! View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
CHEER moves forward with new Bower grant

The Bower Foundation has funded CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices), to sustain Baby-Friendly practices in Mississippi for another 3 years.
CHAMPS is a program of CHEER (The Center for Health Equity, Education, and Research) at the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine.
The new grant will allow CHAMPS to help Mississippi hospitals to meet revised Baby-Friendly requirements. It will also include maternity workforce training, hospital workplace lactation support, and promotion of the Breastfeeding | Human Medicine Interprofessional Education (IPE) module.
Just in! St. Dominic is Baby-Friendly designated.

St. Dominic Hospital is Baby-Friendly! The hospital began its Baby-Friendly journey in 2019, and we couldn’t be more excited for its official designation. Congratulations to St. Dominic’s team on this well-deserved accomplishment! View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
Singing River Pascagoula Hospital is Baby-Friendly!

Singing River Pascagoula Hospital is Baby-Friendly! The hospital began its Baby-Friendly journey more than six years ago, and we couldn’t be more excited for its official designation. Congratulations to the Pascagoula Hospital team on this well-deserved accomplishment! View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
Magnolia Regional Health Center attains the Baby-Friendly designation.

Magnolia Regional Health Center is Baby-Friendly! Magnolia began its Baby-Friendly journey in 2016, and we couldn’t be more excited for its official designation. Congratulations to the hospital team on this well-deserved accomplishment! View the full list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
Just in! South Central Regional Medical Center is Baby-Friendly designated.

South Central Regional Medical Center is officially Baby-Friendly! This hospital has overcome many challenges, including COVID-19, since they began their Baby-Friendly journey in 2018. We are thrilled to see them succeed! View the list of Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
CHEER’s Statement on the Infant Formula Shortage

We need to provide systemic, proactive, coordinated support for breastfeeding. Reliance as a society on infant formula results in the kind of crisis now impacting parents across the US. CHEER applauds all those providing support to pregnant patients, during the birthing and newborn period, and throughout infancy. For guidance in this crisis, please see to the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s Statement on Shortage of Breastmilk Substitutes (Infant Formula):
RE-AIM Analysis Details the Broader Impact and Success of CHAMPS!

CHEER’s latest publication in Maternal and Child Nutrition journal assesses the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance of the CHAMPS initiative in Mississippi. While our previous research showed that CHAMPS program was successful at improving maternity care practices, increasing breastfeeding rates, and decreasing racial disparities, this study looks at the broader impact of our program in Mississippi.
Check out the free open-access publication here.
New Qualitative Study in the Journal of Neonatal Nursing!

The Journal of Neonatal Nursing has published the findings from our qualitative study on the breastfeeding experiences of Mississippi mothers who gave birth prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019! The study, titled “A qualitative assessment of mothers’ perspectives on hospital and community breastfeeding support in Mississippi,” was done in collaboration with our partners at Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere. Read and download the article for FREE, before April 14, 2022:
New MS CHAMPS Publication in Pediatrics!

New Publication Alert! Our latest Pediatrics paper provides evidence of the Mississippi CHAMPS program’s success in significantly decreasing racial inequities in breastfeeding initiation and increasing breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, skin-to-skin, and rooming-in rates across Mississippi hospitals. Read our full press release here and access the publication here.
Another CHAMPS South Hospital is Baby-Friendly!

Congratulations to University Hospital in San Antonio on their recent Baby-Friendly designation! This hospital was part of our CHAMPS South project which ran from 2014 -2017. Learn more about the CHAMPS South project here.
CHEERing STARS Holiday Fundraiser!

Support the CHEERing girls’ soccer team this holiday season! The Soccer Teams and Refugee Solidarity (STARS) program began in July and now supports over 30 girls, mostly from Afghanistan, who live in the Malakasa refugee camp just outside of Athens, Greece. As the team continues to grow and improve, we need your support to buy proper equipment, sneakers, and uniforms so the girls can play safely. Click here to donate!
New Bower Foundation Grant to Promote Breastfeeding IPE!

The Bower Foundation has awarded CHEER a grant to promote the Breastfeeding: Human Medicine Interprofessional Education (IPE) module! The IPE is a collaborative effort between the University of Mississippi Medical Center, CHEER, and the Bower Foundation to expand education about breastfeeding across multiple medical disciplines. Learn more abut the new grant here.
Greenwood Leflore Hospital is Baby-Friendly!

Greenwood Leflore Hospital is officially Baby-Friendly! This Mississippi Delta hospital was where it really all began for Mississippi CHAMPS and we are so proud to see them succeed in their Baby-Friendly journey. Congratulations to the team and to the Delta WIC program that got this going from the start! Learn more about the Mississippi Baby-Friendly hospitals here.
CHEER and UENPS Publish Multi-national Study on Hospital Breastfeeding Practices !

CHEER and Union of European Neonatal and Perinatal Societies (UENPS) have collaborated on a multi-national study to assess breastfeeding-supportive hospital practices in European hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out the new open access publication here.
CHEERing Launches New Breastfeeding Resource!

CHEERing has launched a new resource “Feeding Infants in Emergencies: Breastfeeding Matters Now“. As humanitarian crises and natural disasters continue to increase in today’s world, this resource further emphasizes the importance of breastfeeding as a life-saving intervention, especially in emergency situations. This resource is available in English, Arabic, French, and Farsi.
Mississippi CHAMPS Wins the Office on Women’s Health Breastfeeding Challenge!

Mississippi CHAMPS has won a national award for reducing racial breastfeeding disparities in Mississippi. CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices) is one of 15 US programs to receive the Reducing Disparities in Breastfeeding Innovation Challenge award, created by the Office of Women’s Health to reward programs with a track record in increasing breastfeeding rates and decreasing disparities. The challenge has three phases. CHAMPS received a prize of $15,000, and an opportunity to advance to the next phase.
CHEERing for CHAMPions Conference Sessions: Now on YouTube!

CHEERing for CHAMPions: Virtual Breastfeeding Conference 2021 session recordings on are now available on YouTube. Watch the keynote and breakout sessions and subscribe to our channel here.
CHEER Presents Two Breakouts at NBCC 2021!

CHEER was happy to disseminate our work at the USBC National Breastfeeding Conference & Convening (NBCC) 2021! Check out our breakout presentations via the Whova Platform. Presentation recordings are available to all conference attendees for up to six months. Post-event registration and access are available until July 8.
Coahoma County Diaper Bank, CHEER, And Early Dawn Birthing Services Receive NACCHO Grant For Community Breastfeeding Assessments!

Coahoma County Diaper Bank (a.k.a the Diaper Bank of the Delta) and Early Dawn Birthing Services have been awarded a $15,000 NACCHO grant, with CHEER as a partner, to assess the chest/breastfeeding environment in the northern Mississippi Delta! This funding will be used to evaluate community access to breastfeeding resources and individual breastfeeding support and education experiences. The grant will be executed by Coahoma County Diaper Bank, in partnership with CHEER (for research, data, and evaluation support), and Early Dawn Birthing Services (for community engagement and virtual listening sessions).
Learn more about the NACCHO program here.
Mississippi Becomes Top Ranking State For Birth In Baby-Friendly Hospitals

Recently released from the CDC: Mississippi was ranked 4th in the U.S in 2020 for the percentage of births occurring at designated “Baby-Friendly” hospitals. Since CHAMPS began working in the state in 2014, the number of Baby-Friendly hospitals has increased dramatically from 0 to 22. Congratulations to all our Mississippi hospitals and partners on this noteworthy accomplishment!
Breastfeed Or Be Vaccinated—An Unreasonable Default Recommendation

CHEER Director, Dr. Anne Merewood, and her colleagues – Drs. Lars Bode, Riccardo Davanzo, and Rafael Perez-Escamilla- share their thoughts on England’s initial recommendation not to vaccinate lactating women in this recent publication from The Lancet.
Registration Opens For CHEER’s First Ever Virtual Conference

Registration is now open for CHEER’s first-ever virtual conference, CHEERing for CHAMPions! CHEERing for CHAMPions: Virtual Breastfeeding Conference 2021, is free for all attendees. After registering, you will have access to the virtual conference platform, organized by SpotMe. Nursing CE credits available to Mississippi nursing staff at no cost; available to non-MS nursing staff for a requested donation.
Register soon to receive a gift pack, available to the first 100 registrants. Contact for questions!
CHAMPS Conducts Virtual 4 HR Train-The-Trainer Course

CHAMPS had a wonderful virtual CHAMPS Breastfeeding Clinical Competencies Train-the-Trainer this morning! A huge thank you to Cathy Carothers for leading the session, and to all of our attendees – Who knew a Zoom training could be so engaging and informative!! We can’t wait for more trainings to come, and to hear about participants’ trainings at their own facilities!
CHAMPS Safety Training Presentation At The 2020 ILCA Conference

CHAMPS’ Mississippi Liaison and Trainer, Cathy Carothers (BLA, IBCLC, FILCA) presented the Techniques for Safe Implementation of Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices (CHAMPS) Training, a train-the-trainer for the course CHAMPS created and implemented to promote safe implementation of Baby-Friendly practices to support breastfeeding, at the recent International Lactation Consultants Association (ILCA) annual conference. This workshop provided an overview of the new curriculum, with a focus on safety approaches for skin-to-skin care, rooming in, and prevention of falls. The teaching platform employs principles of visual design and case-based participation to enhance learning.
During the workshop, qualified lactation educators learned strategies for conducting effective education, background to the unique visual-based learning approach, key content topics, and options for conducting engaging activities as part of the curriculum. The presentation was released on August 21 and will be available to conference registrants on the ILCA website until November 18. ILCA attendees can attend the training and then access the course materials by emailing CHAMPS at with a copy of their ILCA registration confirmation or receipt and certificate of attendance.
CHEER’s Message Of Support For Black Communities
CHEER, the Center for Health Equity, Education, & Research, stands in solidarity with Black people and other POC experiencing the pervasive and devastating consequences of racism in our country. We are outraged by the ceaseless injustices, both physical and systemic, that affect Black communities daily.
CHEER was founded to “bring about health equity,” with a focus on underserved populations. The events of the past weeks, coupled with the disproportionate numbers of COVID-19 cases among people of color, have emphasized the continued necessity and urgency of our work.
As AAP President Sally Goza, MD, FAAP said, “Racism harms children’s health, starting from before they are born.” Now and always, CHEER remains committed to fighting inequities, countering systemic racism, and increasing optimal access to health for all families.
CHAMPS Covid-19 Response Webinar Series

The CHAMPS Team is launching a series of COVID-19 focused webinars in the coming weeks.
To access and download past webinars in the series, view the 2020 “Past Webinars” heading on the webinars page.
Shelter In Place- Room In!

Rooming in means mothers and infants staying together in the hospital. This is one of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Also, when large scale infections like COVID-19 are in the air, the safest place for the healthy baby is the mother’s room in the hospital. This prevents babies from being exposed to other babies by sharing a common nursery space or spending time being pushed around the hospital corridors.
NMMC Gilmore-Amory Becomes Baby-Friendly Bringing MS To 60% Births At Designated Hospitals!

We are happy to announce that NMMC Gilmore-Amory is Baby-Friendly designated! Mississippi now has 20 Baby-Friendly hospitals, with 60% of births taking place in designated hospitals. Congratulations to the NMMC Gilmore team, we appreciate their tenacity and commitment to providing mothers and newborns with the finest evidence-based care! We are also thankful for such wonderful news during these tough times.
CHAMPS Covid-19 Response!

In light of the ongoing novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, CHAMPS has cancelled or postponed the Mississippi CHAMPS site visits and mock assessments scheduled for the week of March 23rd. We have also cancelled upcoming trainings to adhere to social distancing and other recommended preventive measures at this time. Please click on the button below for more information and resources.
*The CDC recommends breastfeeding even where women are COVID-19 positive.*
CHEERING Creates Covid-19 Resources For Refugee Populations!

Our Sister Organization, CHEERING, has created a COVID-19 Breastfeeding presentation for refugee populations. This resource is free, evidence-based, and available (in English) on the CHEERING website.