This week, we celebrate Sarah Bagley, MD, MSc, an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, for advancing the conversation around postpartum mental health. In her opinion piece for JAMA entitled I Am Not Burnt Out, Dr. Bagley explored her own mental health experience following the birth of her son, and how physicians can better support colleagues and patients during the postpartum period and return to work.
“COVID-19 has highlighted and exacerbated the issues of mental health of parents in all sectors. We urgently need compassionate and supportive work policies for parents that promote healthy families and ensure mental health care for new and experienced parents.”
Dr. Bagley is a primary care physician at Boston Medical Center, a faculty member of the Clinical Addiction Research and Education (CARE) Unit, and the Medical Director of the CATALYST (Center for Addiction Treatment for AdoLescents/Young adults who use SubsTances) Clinic. Her research focuses on treatment of opioid use disorders in the adolescent and young adult population, and the involvement of the family in addiction care.
Link to JAMA article: 10.1001/jama.2021.2861