At MOMS Orange County, education and support come first. The region’s largest nonprofit dedicated to newborn and pregnancy health helps low-income, vulnerable mothers gain support and self-care education to increase their chances of having healthy pregnancies and deliveries and gain confidence as parents. The agency serves over 2,500 mothers and babies each year, through monthly one-on-one visits, support groups, and virtual or in-person classes. What’s even better, their maternal-child health services are provided in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. As donations allow, they also provide both gently used and new clothing for moms and babies, newborn care items, and diapers.
MOMS Orange County is working to expand the Mommy & Me group classes in the future. They will continue to prioritize maternal mental health, using a curriculum of ROSE (Reach Out Stay Strong Essentials), and offering on-site access to bilingual licensed therapists.
“We are here to help every new and expecting mother gain strength from a circle of support and give her baby the best possible start,” shares the agency. “Helping her have breastfeeding success is a key step in that journey.”
Congratulations to MOMS Orange County, our CHAMPion of the Week.