Woolly wonders from Germany! The CHEER International Group (CHEERing) received a special delivery from children at Johannes Kepler High School (Kepler High School) in Reutlingen, Germany. The school sent 413 hand-knit hats, scarves, socks, and gloves for refugee families – packed with love and chocolate.
Kepler High School’s knitting project began in the summer with a crash course in knitting and crocheting. From July through October 2023, students, parents, grandparents, and other family members joined forces to knit as many goods as possible. On October 13, the goods were packed – in decorated delivery boxes – and began their journey to Greece.
- Translation: Warmth for children who have lost their homes due to war. The [Reutlingen students] show how charity is possible.
CHEERing distributed the delivery during our football (soccer) trainings and Grow Clinics at Malakasa and Thiva refugee camps last week. Warm outerwear is becoming increasingly important as winter approaches and temperatures fall in the camps. And chocolate is always appreciated, of course.
Thank you for the thoughtful delivery, Johannes Kepler High School! CHEER celebrates you as our CHAMPion of the Week.