If you have been to one of our CHAMPS conferences, you may have had the pleasure of meeting, or being photographed by Linda and Vince McGrath. Vince and Linda are a dynamic, husband-wife duo devoting much of their professional and personal lives to the promotion of breastfeeding in the Southern United States!
Linda McGrath, PhD, IBCLC, MCHES, currently serves as Coordinator of Leader Accreditation for La Leche League of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas, and on the planning committee for Breastfeeding: the Gold Standard conference. In the past, she has also served on the Board of Directors for the North MS Breastfeeding Coalition and on the Task Force to establish the Mississippi State University Lactation Support Program. In 1976 she was accredited as a La Leche League Leader, and ever since then she has been holding monthly meetings in the communities in which she has lived—El Paso, TX, Monroe, LA, Athens, GA, and Starkville, MS.
Vince McGrath, EdD, retired in 2010 from Mississippi State University as Professor Emeritus in the College of Education Foundation and Leadership. He has attended the Gold Standard, American Public Health Association, MS Public Health Association—and recently CHAMPS—conferences since 2004 when Vince and Linda married. He has been recognized as the official photographer for the Gold Standard conference and the unofficial photographer for the other conferences. Vince takes delightful candid and posed photographs at our CHAMPS conferences, through which, in his words, he “hope[s] to capture the excitement and joy of the many participants.” Vince says, “These photos demonstrate the involvement of many who have served families…and who are willing to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding as the infant feeding practice.” We are grateful to Linda and Vince for their commitment to breastfeeding and to CHAMPS!
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Below are a few samples of Vince’s CHAMPS conference photos: