Dr. Samira Brown, MD is the Newborn Nursery Medical Director, General Academic Pediatrics Section Head, and CHAMPS Pediatrician Physician Lead at Ochsner Baptist Medical Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was nominated as CHAMPion of the Week for her enthusiastic and knowledgeable support of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, and for her outstanding help during a recent CHAMPS site visit at Ochsner Baptist!
Samira shares, “It feels great to be at this point [in our Baby-Friendly journey]. Though we know we have some areas to improve, this is the beauty of practicing medicine—always striving to be better and finding new ways to provide the best care. Our team is energized and continuing to work hard.”
As CHAMPS Pediatrician Physician Lead, Samira’s role has entailed updating Ochsner’s general pediatricians and specialists on Baby-Friendly policies; ensuring education has been completed; helping to review educational materials for staff, physicians, and families; helping to create templates and order sets to ensure Ochsner is Baby-Friendly compliant; and seeking feedback from families and staff to create a positive experience for all.
Samira describes the Baby-Friendly journey at Ochsner Baptist as an “incredible” one, involving teamwork at every level. The Lactation Team led by Cynthia Boudreaux, nurses, attending physicians and resident physicians have all collaborated, and have received valuable support from their CEO, Dawn Anuszkiewicz, and her executive team. This teamwork, says Samira, has broadened to the entire Ochsner hospital system as they strive to make their hospitals Baby-Friendly.
While every team member is essential, physicians play a unique role in supporting a hospital to become Baby-Friendly. CHAMPS asked Samira what her advice to other physicians would be in terms of getting involved in the Baby-Friendly process. She said, “Having a physician come in and help lead the education with the evidence behind Baby-Friendly, and actively model the culture change is crucial. Whether a pediatrician, OB, anesthesiologist or other specialist, this is one of the most important steps in getting everyone on board.”
Congratulations, Samira! It is great to be working with you!