Nikki Lee, RN, BSN, MS, IBCLC, CCE, CIMI, ANLC, CKC, is teaching 2 courses for CHAMPS this week—a “Clinical Skills Training” and a “CHAMPS Education Opportunity” covering 19 hours of training required by Baby-Friendly USA™. We are excited to offer these courses to participating CHAMPS hospitals free of charge and grateful to Nikki for volunteering to teach them!
The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri sparked a personal crisis and journey for Nikki, and as a result, she desires to use her skills in teaching to reach underserved populations in the South and work towards racial equity in breastfeeding. She met Kimarie Bugg, CHAMPS Community Engagement Director and Change Leader for Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere, Inc., at a conference, who suggested she contact CHAMPS.
Nikki has 40 years of experience in maternal and child care. She currently works at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health as a Lactation Consultant, teaching health care professionals and daycare staff about promoting and supporting breastfeeding. She also has a private lactation consultant practice that uses a holistic approach (integrating aromatherapy, craniosacral therapy, and homeopathy) and teaches courses on infant massage and tummy time.
Nikki has an expansive vision for breastfeeding encompassing change at all levels: “women of all backgrounds collaborating…Baby-Friendly facilities and a milk bank in every sate…policy makers creating initiatives that level the playing field” and more. She is heartened by the changes that are happening, and encourages practitioners to take the long view and support each other during this process of making breastfeeding universally accepted, which, she believes, will take a generation or two to fulfill.
Check out Nikki’s inspiring website for more information about her!