This week’s CHAMPion is Maggie Allen, IBCLC, who will be the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) at the new CHAMPS Delta Hills Baby Café opening April 27, 2016! Maggie is a Lactation Consultant for the Washington Department WIC office at the Mississippi Department of Health, and has worked for the MS Department of Health for 16 years. She is the only IBCLC in the 5 counties surrounding Washington County.
Originally, Maggie came to WIC as a breastfeeding class participant. The information WIC taught helped her to have a good breastfeeding experience with both of her children. She told all her friends about what she had learned and they all breastfed. Kendall Cox, BA, IBCLC, RLC, the then WIC lactation consultant (who also helps with CHAMPS trainings as part of Every Mother, Inc.!) was especially encouraging to her. Maggie says, “She was the only person I knew who I could go to for help.” When Maggie began working for WIC, Kendall was her supervisor. Maggie worked her way up and became an IBCLC. Maggie believes pursuing further breastfeeding education has given her a strong scientific basis for her practice. “The more I know, the better I can help people,” Maggie says. Maggie teaches classes for moms who have never breastfed before at the MS Department of Health, and teaches classes at local hospital Delta Regional Medical Center. She also helps moms individually with breastfeeding at both locations on a daily basis.
The CHAMPS Delta Hills Baby Café will be open Wednesdays from 11 am – 2 pm at the Washington County Health Department in Greenville, MS. Maggie’s role there will be to assist mothers with any breastfeeding questions, provide instruction on various topics, and assess and diagnose more complicated breastfeeding concerns.
“I’m really excited about [the Baby Café],” Maggie says. “I feel like it’s going to be a really good thing for our community and for the counties around that we service.” She adds that her dream for the Baby Café is that “all moms have the opportunity to learn how to breastfeed and have a good experience when it comes to breastfeeding…I want other moms to have same enjoyment that I had when I breastfed my children.”
To read more about the CHAMPS Delta Hills Baby Café, check out our press release and flyer! Know pregnant, new, or breastfeeding moms in the Washington County area? Send them our flyer!
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