Jul 8, 2019

Jenny Zorn, CLC, is a Peer Counselor 3 at Mississippi State Department of Health’s (MSDH) WIC Breastfeeding Program. She has worked at MSDH’s WIC Breastfeeding Program for over 10 years, and has been a Peer Counselor 1, 2 & 3. She was nominated as CHEER Champion of the Week by her supervisor, Andrea Borda, SB, CLC, for her wonderful work educating the community about breastfeeding and Baby-Friendly, collaborating with hospitals and physicians, and helping mothers to breastfeed.

“Assisting a mother-baby couplet that has been having a difficult time successfully breastfeeding and helping them experience success is my favorite part about my job,” Jenny shares. “I love the excitement felt by the new mothers and so many times they are so appreciative of my help. I also cherish moments where new mothers begin to feel confident that they are going to be able to successfully breastfeed their babies.”

Jenny works in MSDH’s largest clinic in the state. Her work entails counseling prenatal mothers regarding breastfeeding; assisting postpartum mothers with latching and breastfeeding; and providing education to both groups. She also spends one day a week at CHAMPS hospital Merit Health Madison, where she supports them in their Baby-Friendly journey; assists postpartum mothers with breastfeeding; and educates and encourages new mothers who are not breastfeeding to try breastfeeding. Lastly, Jenny teaches weekly prenatal breastfeeding classes at a physician’s office whose patients deliver at Merit Health Madison.

What personally inspires Jenny to do the work she does?

“I have loved infants my entire life and they have held a special place in my heart,” she says. “Many of my patients do not fully understand how beneficial breastfeeding truly is for both themselves as well as their babies. Babies need advocates because they cannot advocate for themselves. I want the best for all babies. Teaching prenatal mothers why they should breastfeed and then helping postpartum mothers successfully accomplish that goal is what is best for babies. My desire is for as many babies as possible to have what is best in all aspects of their lives, and certainly being fed breast milk is a huge part of what is best for babies.”

In addition to her work at MSDH, Jenny also authors and prepares a monthly newsletter, “Breastfeeding Buzz,” put out by the Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition for health care providers in the Jackson, Mississippi area that have breastfeeding patients. The newsletter promotes local events related to breastfeeding, lists breastfeeding classes offered at local WIC offices, and publicizes local breastfeeding training and educational webinars. New research and findings regarding breastfeeding are also highlighted. Check out the July 2019 newsletter here!

Congratulations, Jenny, and thank you for all that you do!