This week, we would like to recognize the East Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition (EMSBFC), an organization that strives to promote awareness and correct misconceptions around breastfeeding in Golden Triangle and surrounding counties. Established in 2017, “EMSBFC’s mission is the advancement of breastfeeding as the cultural norm and advocacy in the communities we serve,” shares Christina Chunn, CHES, IBCLC, CLC and EMSBFC President.
Originally part of the North Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition, the members of EMSBFC decided to create a new coalition, so each group could better focus their efforts and serve their respective areas. Since it became a stand-alone organization, EMSBFC has sought to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding in the Golden Triangle and surrounding counties through coalition building, parent education and support, securing provider support, increasing workplace and child care center support, and translating breastfeeding research and recommendations into action and policy respectively. .
EMSBSFC is very active on Facebook where they share research articles, information, and local breastfeeding resources for parents or health care providers. They also speak regularly at health fairs, parenting classes, and local colleges about breastfeeding. “We have a goal to educate more local businesses about the Break Time for Nursing Mothers law and post resources related to that on FB,” says Christina. Currently, they are working on connecting with local Chambers of Commerce and attending an employer’s health fair to promote awareness about the law.
Furthermore, EMSBFC partners with local hospitals and seeks to make community connections through their meetings. In the past, these meetings have featured OBGYNs, a midwife, a doula, a licensed trauma counselor, and a NICU mom who shared their experiences and resources for parents. They also periodically provide CERP (Continuing Education Recognition Points) opportunities where they invite professionals to train people on various breastfeeding issues.
Thank you EMSBFC for championing breastfeeding in the Golden Triangle and surrounding counties!
To learn more about the East Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition and community resources, visit their Facebook page.