This week’s CHEER CHAMPion of the week is Annie Martin, Regional Coordinator for the Mississippi State Department of Health WIC Breastfeeding Program.
Annie started working in lactation as a WIC Peer Counselor because she enjoyed breastfeeding her son and received help from the WIC Breastfeeding Program when she encountered issues during her breastfeeding phase. She wanted to help other moms make informed decisions on feeding their babies and offer support.
With her recent IBCLC certification, Annie is excited to work with clients and help the community around her, especially those mothers who don’t have confidence in their ability to exclusively breastfeed due to misinformation from those around them or not knowing their rights to pump at work. She is also passionate about encouraging and reassuring mothers that it is possible to breastfeed, work, and go to school/college simultaneously.
“Every drop counts! Even if a baby only nurses one time ever, or once a day, it still is great for the baby.”
Congratulations to Annie on her IBCLC certification and for all the incredible work she does!