Anais Forget is the manager of the CRIBS Free Shop in Athens, an organization dedicated to collecting necessary items for asylum seekers, refugees and other people in need who have babies or young children. Anais arrived in Athens by bicycle, all the way from France! She made this long journey to raise money for the organization.
“I heard about CRIBS International from its founder, Sally Hyman. Like most people, I had heard about the refugee’s situation in Greece,” Anais shared. “I was revolted by the conditions [refugees were living in], but it seemed like a far-away problem I couldn’t do much about. Seeing the works CRIBS do restored some of my faith in humanity and got me to understand that, even though it’s impossible to help everyone, we’re able to make a real difference for some families and that’s so important.”
Now that she is in Athens, Anais manages a team of volunteers, organizes donations, and oversees CRIBS operations. You can learn more about Anais’s trip here: