The New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force is a non-profit lactation coalition focusing on community support to cultivate environments that promote normalcy around lactation and the availability of human milk for all infants and children. Their mission is carried out by expanding the lactation ecosystem, acknowledging that familial health support is an inclusive role, and through partnerships that implement different engagement practices. Engaging healthcare systems that are/are not on the pathway to Baby-Friendly certification and re-certification is one of the coalition’s many support services provided. They help communities grow their lactation care providers and work with families, businesses, and workplaces to create awareness, policies, and practices around New Mexico’s state laws, such as breastfeeding in public and pumping in the workplace.
“Centering the voices of our families through the work of our local chapters continues to be the guiding light of the work of NM Breastfeeding Task Force,” shares the team. “Shifting our language and ensuring that our images reflect the community so that all families and peoples feel represented and included in the lactation conversation is an important step towards health equity.”
We thank New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force, our CHAMPion of the Week.