Congratulations to CHAMPS hospital South Sunflower County Hospital in Indianola, Mississippi, for becoming Baby-Friendly designated on March 8, 2018! South Sunflower is a smaller hospital with around 250-300 births per year. They have been part of CHAMPS since fall 2014, and began their Baby-Friendly journey in fall 2015.
Betsy Dawson, FNP-C, CHAMPS Team Lead and Family Nurse Practitioner at South Sunflower, says it feels “FANTASTIC!!” to be Baby-Friendly. “We are very proud of our hospital and clinic for implementing this,” she says. “Thank you to my Baby-Friendly taskforce!! Without them I could not have done this.”
When Betsy was CHEER Champion of the Week in 2017, she shared the challenges and exciting changes that were part of South Sunflower’s Baby-Friendly journey. She cited being able to help those mothers who want to breastfeed, but in the past, have not received the support or education to do so, as the most exciting change. After South Sunflower became Baby-Friendly designated, Betsy shared an inspiring patient story illustrating this change.
“We had a mom who did not receive much help with nursing with her first. She at first said she didn’t want to breastfeed, then wanted to try. From the first latch on she was hooked. The baby just turned 2 and she just stopped nursing!!! She will sit in our lobby and talk to moms about the benefits of breastfeeding and share her experience.”
What’s Betsy’s advice for other hospitals seeking to become Baby-Friendly? “AUDITS!! These are a great way to see how well your staff is educating and following through,” she says.
Congratulations, South Sunflower! We are very proud of you!