Focus: Statistical analyses for causal inference, analysis of linked administrative data in health research, evaluation research, population maternal and child health, and maternal and child health policies.

Other Current Work: Assistant Professor of Community Health Sciences; Research Scientist at Manitoba Centre for Health Policy; Instructor for graduate course in Epidemiology at University of Manitoba; Member of Executive Counsel for International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation; Scientific Chair of Breastfeeding for the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association; Member of Board of Directors for Sexuality Education Resource Centre of Manitoba.

Activities of Choice: I enjoy backpacking, rock climbing, sailing, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing.

Fun Fact: The first date that I had with my spouse involved a road trip across five states to go to a waterski competition in which I was competing. At the end of the weekend, we figured, if we could survive a road trip across five states as a first date, we should give dating a go. We’ve been together for 10 years!

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