FREE 20-hour course! This virtual training covers the 15 hours of didactic training required for nursing staff as a part of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. CEUs provided. The course is free to staff in hospitals enrolled in CHAMPS and their community partners.


  • Day 1: Nov 4
  • Day 2: Nov 11
  • Day 3: Dec 2
  • Day 4: Dec 9
  • Day 5: Jan 6
  • Day 6: Jan 13

(Sessions at: 9-11AM & 1-3PM each day)

Zoom (Link sent after registration)

In order to meet the Baby-Friendly requirements, attendees must attend all 6 days, both sessions each day (12 sessions total). If you attend only part of the training, separate certificates of completion will be awarded for attending Days 1 and 2, Days 3 and 4, and Days 5 and 6. To receive a certificate of completion and nursing contact hours, the participant must submit a pre-test and post-test/evaluation.