Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center is re-designated as Baby-Friendly

Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center was recently re-designated as Baby-Friendly!

Located in Meridian, MS, Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of healthcare for their patients. Baptist Anderson has been a part of CHAMPS since 2015 and became a designated Baby-Friendly facility in September 2019. Over the past few years, the knowledgeable and passionate maternity team has focused on consistent training, quality improvement work, and sustainability.

“The Baby-Friendly designation and its importance at Baptist Anderson represent the countless hours of training and consistency from our dedicated staff and core team to provide the best maternal/infant care possible,” shares the facility’s Baby-Friendly lead, Katrina Trosper. “From assisting moms with the first steps of bonding, informed decision making, and navigating the first postpartum days, we are providing the gold standard in a safe and therapeutic environment.”

Congratulations, Baptist Anderson Regional Medical Center!